Help with ordering

We use PayPal to securely process your orders for memberships, tickets and donations. PayPal allows you to pay either with a PayPal account or directly with a credit card. Your order will appear on your credit card statement as WESTRHODERI.

If you order an item and see the error message

it usually means that you have not filled in necessary fields on the form, such as the billing cycle or amount under recurring donations. Any required field is marked with a red asterisk.

Join/Become a Member

Join the WestRhodeRIVERKEEPER in protecting our waterways and environment. Simply choose a level of membership and click the button. You can add tickets and any other item that has an button before making your actual payment. You will also be able to modify your order before making the payment.


You may donate a specific amount of money to WestRhodeRIVERKEEPER. Simply click on the appropiate button. You will be taken to PayPal to fill in the amount and your payment information.

You may make a recurring donation; that is, you can specify an amount and a time period. You will be billed for that amount automatically each time period. For example, if you enter $25 and quarterly, your credit card will be charged $25 every three months. You can cancel this billing at any time by contacting our office.

Purchase Items

On occasion we offer items for sale, including raffle tickets and event tickets. These may be purchased by using the button next to the appropriate item.


We also offer T-shirts, hats and other merchandise through the Waterkeeper Alliance.


If you have any problem placing your order, please contact the riverkeeper office. See the Contact Us page.

© 2008 West/Rhode Riverkeeper, Suite 6, 4800 Atwell Rd., Shady Side, MD 20764 | Phone:410-867-7171