What kinds of problems should be reported?
- Dumping of oil, trash, sewage, chemicals or anything other than clean water into the rivers, their tributaries or the Bay
- Mud or silt run-off from land into the water
- Cutting of trees or any disturbance of the land within the Critical Area (within 1,000 feet of the shoreline)
- Derelict or abandoned boats and fishing or crabbing gear
- Un-permitted dredging and dock construction
- Large algae blooms and fish kills
- Illegal harvesting of fish, shellfish or birds
- Injured or sick wild animals
How do I report these problems?
- For disturbances in the critical area, illegal building of docks and illegal dredging
- Ann Arundel Department of Planning and Zoning 24-hour hot-line at 410-222-7777. You can also email .
- For problems involving sewage spills, silt, algae, fish kills, and illegal fishing
- Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) at 877-224-7229.
- For oil spills and hazards to navigation
- the Coast Guard at 877-249-2824.
- For sick or injured wild animals
- Call DNR at 1-877-463-6497
- Visit www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/wlproblems.asp
- Call Davidsonville Wildlife Sanctuary 410-798-0193
When you make a report
Please write down the name of the person you speak to and ask if there is a report number.
Sometimes it is difficult to get through to the right person or they say there is nothing they can do. Please also call or e-mail the Riverkeeper. We will make sure we get the right person and we will follow up to see that something is done about your report.
To make a report to the Riverkeeper
- call Jeff Holland at 410-867-7171
- or e-mail